Grade 4 student visa for students and foreign professionals

These visas are for foreigners seeking to study at UK educational institutions.
Any foreign labor force in this group can only be hired if there is no competition for the job position with the UK labor force.
Eligible 4th Grade Visitors must have the following:
- Job offer in a visiting job that has no high job competition with the domestic workforce
- Letter of financial support (from the employer with a 4th degree support license)
Skilled or highly skilled workers in this category are eligible to apply for a Grade 1 or Grade 2 visa if they want to take a long-term job in the UK. The visa application must be made in their own country.
The visa application must be made in their own country.
Visa category:
4th grade general student
General information about people in this group:
This visa is for people who are not citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland from the age of 16 and above and want to register in the UK after the age of 16.
Visa category:
Grade 4 student
General information about people in this group:
This type of visa is for foreigners under the age of 18 who are not from the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and want to study at an independent school in the UK.
Grade 4 student financial support

Generally, a Grade 4 sponsored student means that a student applying for or holding a Grade 4 Visa is eligible to study at any of the following institutions:
- A recognized organization or institution of higher education (HEI) in the UK: These institutions must be funded through public funds issued by the Office for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, the Higher Education Funding Council for the United Kingdom, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales or the Scottish Finance Council.
- Institute of Foreign Higher Education (HEI): Which includes a short-term study abroad program in the UK.
- Embedded College in the UK: Any college in the UK that offers higher education, and introductory or non-undergraduate courses.
- A self-regulated educational institution in the UK
Financial support for a 4th grade student

Applicants for either Grade 4, Grade 4 (general) or Grade 4 (Child) need to demonstrate that they have sufficient money to support themselves while studying at university. Do not have. If you have received a scholarship in the past year, you will receive a sponsor at the time of application.
Instead of evidence of financial stability, these candidates should provide documents that can prove access to financial support such as:
- Government of the United Kingdom, Government of the country of origin, Council of England, an independent school, university or other persons who fully cover the cost of living and education of the candidates.
- Sponsor who covers part of the cost of running (tuition or living expenses): The bidder must bear other uncovered costs.
- International Scholarship Agency that fully or partially covers the cost of applying while studying in the UK.
The candidate must be one of the following:
- Has used such financial support for the past year.
- It currently uses such financial support
Applicants who have already used or are using such support in the past year with a previous visa must have the sponsor’s unconditional written consent to apply for a visa whenever applying for a UK visa, or Apply to renew from within the UK or to enter the UK from outside.
Unconditional written consent of the sponsor of the visa

This letter is a document in support of a candidate application issued by a sponsor and can be from a government or an international scholarship agency, to show that in the past all or part of the financial issues and costs Candidates for visa applications (living and studying expenses) have covered, will cover in the future, or will continue to cover now. Depending on the category in which the visa is placed, the above can happen.
Those who have to send this letter to apply for a visa are already receiving these items, or have already (not more than a year ago) received this financial support from any of the above institutions, while Has any of the visas: Grade 4 student visa (general or child), student visa, nursing student visa, retest product, student preparing a dissertation, postgraduate doctor or dentist visa.
The letter must have the following components:
- Must be the original (not a copy).
- Have the official logo and stamp of the financing institution.
- Signed by authorized employees of the financing institution.
- Indicate the sponsor’s approval for the candidate visa application, their entry, residence, re-entry and residency in the UK.
Letter of confirmation from official financial support

When a formal sponsor fully or partially covers the tuition and living expenses of a Grade 4 visa applicant, the candidate must provide a letter issued by the sponsor in question.
The letter must have the following components:
- Must be the original (not a copy)
- Have the official logo and seal of the sponsor
- Have the name and contact information of the sponsor
- Have the date and signature of authorized sponsors
- Indicate the amount, period and what the intended financial support covers